Fake Friends Qoutes

Detox your life by clearing out fake friends,
dead-end jobs, & players posing as life partners..

Know who your best friends are and if they can’t
be honest with you, then they are not worth keeping
Let them fade out of your life.

You don’t really lose friends. You just
find out who was real and who never was.

Fake friends are around when you’re cool.
True friends are around even if they think
you’re a fool.

Its funny how sometimes the people
you’d take a bullet for, are the ones
behind the trigger.

Friends are fake, Best Friends are only
for a while, But Sisters are Forever and

If you are successful, you’ll win some
unfaithful friends and some genuine
enemies; Succeed anyway.

That awkward moment when your
used-to-be-friend starts talking about
you to your right-now-friend when your
in the motherfucking room.

Time alone can prove the worth of
friendship. As time goes by we lose the
the false ones and keep the best. True
friends stay when all the rest are gone.

She was my best friend until I
discovered she had two faces.

Some people will pretend to care just
so they can get a better seat to watch your
struggle. Every helping hand isn’t always
there to help.

You can list your friends but
you can’t count on them.

I don’t know what’s worse. People who talk
bad about their friends, or people who know they
have fake friends but still keep them around.

An honest enemy is better than a false friend.
When in doubt, pay more attention to what people
do and less to what they say. Actions not only
speak louder than words, they are more
difficult to fake.

Be careful about who you trust and tell your
problems to. Not everyone who smiles at
you is your friend.

Be selective with whom you share your problems,
because only few people care others are just curious.

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