Fake Friends Qoutes

Real friends are always there for you,
you can trust them to keep your secrets,
share you laughter and your tears, fake
friends are never around when you really
need them, they want to know about you
so they can tell others and most of the time
they laugh at you instead of with you.

Fake friends only come around
when you got what they want, but
when you need somebody to be there
for you, they’re gone.

Trust nobody except yourself,
because you never know when
those ‘real’ friends will disappear.

Little do you know your ‘best friend’
is fooling around with your ex…

What goes around comes around. That’s what
people say. So all the pain you caused me will
come back to you someday.

They put on a front that appears accommodating,
loyal, and yes, even sacrificial. Then, without warning,
they raise their knife, and by the time you see the glint
of the blade, it’s almost always too late.

I used to think enemies were the worst people in the
world, but that was until I met fake friends and realized
that they’re a lot worse.

I was here, there and everywhere for you, but when
I needed you to be somewhere you were nowhere
to be found.

The greatest realization one can come to in life, is
when you realize who you can trust with your life,
who truly cares about you and who only used you!!!

An honest enemy is always better than a friend who lies.
Pay less attention to what people say and more attention
to what they do. Their actions will show you the truth!

I’d rather treasure an enemy who frankly says that he
hates me.. than to keep a friend whose passion is to
put me down secretly..

Don’t fear the enemy who attacks you ..
Fear the fake friend who hugs you.

Real things do come out from
fake friends… real lessons.

I’d rather have an enemy who slaps me in
the face than a friend who stabs me in the back.

Yea, I hate those kind of friends that are two-faced.
Real friends would invite you anywhere they would go.

We need to realize that our enemies are
in disguise, they could be right under your eyes…

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